About Us

Writers Rising
is an interactive collaborative journey
born out of Rohingya poets’ desire

to speak their truth

In the world’s biggest refugee camp in 2019, in Bangladesh, the Rohingya poets urgently posted their poetry online to stop the imminent forced relocations of over one million people.

However, as the Secret Superstar said, “the world is too deaf to hear our screams.”

The refugees, and especially the poets, felt they had no voice, particularly when they were continually re-traumatised with buses lined up, ready to send men, women and children back to Myanmar where they had just experienced torture and persecution.

Everyday, new poets emerged wanting help to publish their work.

I’m Emily Reid, Humanitarian Advisor.
And this is what we did:

We ran writing workshops

We linked them with established poets in Australia

And we developed their craft along with their stories

The Result was an inspiringly beautiful book, a collection of poetry that not only elevated refugee voices to Geneva and beyond,
but it helped to halt the forced movements
of millions of refugees.

We bring together writers from around the world to

connect, collaborate & celebrate

 refugee stories

We are writers publishers & editors
who love to

elevate refugee voices

You can connect with our community to

Book Signed by the poets | Writers Rising

♥︎ be inspired, or inspire

♥︎ share your skills

♥︎  learn how to write with impact

♥︎ publish your work

♥︎ meet refugee writers or publishers

We are developing quality stories from idea to the page.

We have spoken-word events, workshops, 
and collaborative projects.

Take your pick !

Emily Reid

Humanitarian Advisor
Founder of Writers Rising

Emily loves writing poems, stories and life writing about real issues.

She has worked with refugees since she was 15 and has lived in humanitarian settings for 15 years across Asia, Africa, Caucasus, South America, the Middle East, and the Pacific.

Emily loves refugee-led initiatives, especially celebrating culture, activating artists, and enhancing skills of refugees.

Emily has worked with NGOs, UN agencies and governments in post disaster and conflict settings with RedR, IFCR, UNHCR, IOM, DRC, UNDP and UNICEF among others and is excited to branch out with her own methods.

She enjoys working with creators to bridge art, advocacy and humanitarian action.

Emily Reid | Founder: Writers Rising
Writers Camp 8E Message for Emily

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1a-Thida Shania Photo
Painting by Jaanu, Rohingya refugee

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